
Nature produces no waste. Natural ecosystems that is waste from a body is a useful raw material for someone else and so nothing is lost and resumed the continuing cycle of harmonious life.

If nature did not produce garbage and recycling as produce a man, there would be no life on earth today. Everything starts from our minds. If you understand that the garbage is waste material, but useful materials for the appropriate industries, then you realize how wrong it is the culmination of these materials in landfills, with enormous environmental and economic costs.

You know, if all residents of Greece recycle aluminum cans we buy (cans of soft drinks, beer, etc.) the Greek carbon dioxide emissions would fall by 250 thousand tonnes per year? Or that if we recycle all packaging materials and paper would avoid the release of 3.84 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Every product we buy is produced using energy and each additional kilowatt-hour charge the atmosphere with one pound of carbon dioxide. The production of recycled material requires less energy than production from raw materials. Therefore, one of the many benefits of recycling is that it saves energy. The energy can be saved by recycling of packaging materials and paper corresponds to the energy consumed by the city of Athens in four months. For every tonne of waste we prevent from landfill and recycled or compost, avoid the release of 260-470 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent into the atmosphere.

Reduce waste before you even buy the products, preferring what the package is small and friendly environment.
Look for the recycling logo on products you buy.
Avoid disposable. Prefer the returnable bottles.
Reuse materials rather than throw away. Are old products or devices you can be useful to someone else your fellow citizens?
Be careful packaging to the products you buy. Glass packaging is presumed more environmentally friendly than plastic and aluminum packaging.
Always need plastic bags? Prefer a canvas bag or a paper bag.
Recycle! Press your local council to start recycling programs if not already done so. The new law requires recycling of all waste (not just packaging, and electrical-electronic appliances, vehicles, oil, batteries, construction waste, etc.).
Use reusable containers to store food in your refrigerator instead of covering them with foil.
Use rechargeable batteries.
Recycle motor oil in your car. Enter the garage and not a drop down the drain.

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