The destruction of the environment

1. Major technical progress has resulted in excessive exploitation of nature. 2. The contamination of the atmosphere with fumes from industries, factories, exhaust wheeled poison nature and worsen the living conditions of mankind. 3. The sea is polluted by sewage, waste and waste which then accepts, so many disappearing species of animals, birds and plants.
4. The destruction of soil and subsoil of the chemicals in the permeate and nuclear tests, the constant fires that destroy forests and affect the natural environment and the vitality of nature.
5. The ecological balance has been affected too.
All these threaten and destroy the natural environment and have adverse effects on man and culture.
Natural environment is the land (soil, subsoil, forests ...) the waters (seas, lakes, rivers ...) climate and overall atmosphere in which he lives and moves man.

The natural environment is essential for the survival and human development. Affects the physical, mental and emotional nurturing and helps in shaping personality.

1. Environment Is the set of geographical, natural and (in the case of humans) with social and family conditions in which a living and growing one.

2. Environment is everything that surrounds man.

3. Environment is all animate and inanimate beings that surround people and affect the formation of personality.

Water contamination and air pollution and their effects.

Waste from factories pollute the seas every day and rivers throughout the world. Thousands of fish die and become infected every day from polluted waters so to eat and infect themselves.

At the flow rate of a polluted river water is absorbed by the earth and contaminate the groundwater that can be transported over great distances.

For this purpose there are special filters at the outlet of the waste to clean the water.

Also the sea polluted by oil spills of boats with the deaths of too many bodies and living life to it.

The air is polluted by exhaust fumes from cars and factories leading to contamination of the plants is as a consequence of reduced production of oxygen from them.

For this problem there are special filters installed in factories and cars. Since polluted air transported by rain pollution on earth.

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