Ecology of the Sea

The sea is not the appropriate venue for water and waste. Unfortunately often evacuated settlements untreated sewage, vessels, and wastes of many industries.

The plunder of nature in recent years is incomprehensible. The scandal crown of nature, our environment is kakopathimeno. The factors that contribute to infection is too many. I will take things in turn. We will deal first with marine pollution and factors: a) Within the sea and end up accumulating a wealth of waste. The sea is polluted by the oil from the various accidents from oil ships, from the waste business going to the beach and waste from ships. All that kill fish, oysters, clams and marine life generally. Created very unpleasant situations · lost useful animals, large marine areas destroyed.

Vast quantities of rubbish every year filled beaches and the sea. Garbage from landfills, the passing ships, fisheries, industries, and from rivers and streams flowing into the sea.

The sea is not the appropriate venue for water and waste. Unfortunately often evacuated settlements untreated sewage, vessels, and wastes of many industries.

Another factor that pollute the seas are oils. Accidents, intentional discharges, storage of petroleum have resulted in pollution of the sea. The oil destroys the zooplankton and can cause cancer in marine species.

We have you ever wondered How many types of fish are dying every day? Mediterranean is estimated that 10,000 fish die every day, because of the garbage.

You, we, individually, but together we do to stop this major threat? Must strive to help marine life, oceans give us 40% of the oxygen that gives life or .... Pollution;

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