Letter written in the year 2070

Some consider this excessive. We live in 2070 to know?

We are in year 2070. I am 50 years old but look 85. I have many problems because I drink very little water. I think it left me a long time now. Today, I am one of the oldest society in which I live.

I remember when I was 5 years old, there were many trees in the parks, houses had beautiful gardens and can be under the shower about an hour. Now we use towels with mineral oil to be washed.

Before, all the women achieved their beautiful hair. Now, should shave her head to keep clean without using water.
Before, my father eplene the car with the tire of drinking. Today, is strictly prohibited by law such use.
I remember there were many ads say ATTENTION TO THE WATER, but nobody gave attention. People believed that water is inexhaustible.
Today, all the rivers, dams, lakes and aquifers are irreversibly polluted or dried. The surrounding landscape is no longer than a vast desert. The gastrointestinal infections, the skin lesions and urinary tract are the main causes of death.

The industry has been paralyzed and the unemployment rate is extremely high. The seawater desalination plants is the main area of employment.

They give drinking water to workers instead of salary. The attacks on a jerrican water is constant over the desert roads.

The diet is 80% synthetic.

Before, recommended to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Today, I can not drink half a glass rather.
Because we can be washed our clothes, the fly, which increases the volume of garbage.
Back to the use of tanks as the last century, because the drains do not work anymore because of lack of water.
People are faced with fear: their bodies are sick, corrugated by dehydration, pligiasmena due to ultraviolet radiation is filtered from the air now because of the ozone hole.

Because of dry skin, a young woman 20 years old appears 40. Scientists do research, but there is no solution in sight. We can not construct water ...

The oxygen is also reduced because of the lack of trees, which reduces the mental level of the new generations.

The morphology of spermatozoa of a large number of people has changed, which makes many births of children victims of failure, mutations and malformations.

The government requires us to pay for the air we breathe, 137 m3 per person per day. Those who can not pay to drive out the "zone of aeration, which is equipped with a giant mechanical lungs working with solar energy.

The air is not very good quality, but at least we can breathe.
The average lifespan is 35 years.
Some countries succeeded in preserving vegetation islands with clean running water. These zones are supervised very closely by the army.
The water was a rare species, a priceless treasure, much more than gold or diamonds. However, there are no trees because it almost never rain. And when it starts to rain, no rain falls despite acid.
There are no seasons because of climate change (global warming) from human activities of the 20th century contaminated the environment.
But we predict that they should make sure our environment, but nobody did anything.

When my daughter asked me to tell how it was when I was young, how to tell the forest was beautiful.

Of talking about the rain, the flowers, the pleasure to swim and fish in rivers and lakes and to drink water as you want! And for good health ...

By asking:

- Dad! Why is there no water anymore?

So I have a knot in the neck ...

I can not stop to feel guilty because I belong to the generation that completed the destruction of the environment, not taking seriously the numerous warnings.

I belong to the last generation that could change the course of things, but decided otherwise.

Today our children are paying dearly ...

Frankly, I believe that life on this earth will be possible from now on because the destruction of the environment reached a point where no return.

How would I go back and somehow made to understand the whole human race ... At that time we can still do something to save our planet!


About this letter to those you! I would rather be the minimum for the awakening of global consciousness and the need to save water.

This here is not a game, is already our reality. Do it for your children. And if you have not yet, maybe one day you have.

Do not leave a legacy to hell ... Let us leave the life!

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