Solar energy and photovoltaics

The photovoltaic is simple solution for all.

We will try to explain in simple words what are the photovoltaic, the inverters (inverter) 220V, batteries (battery) 12V, the load regulator, how we calculate our needs in a stream, the required size and connection of photovoltaics.

Photovoltaic PANEL
What is and how PV PANEL
The main part of a photovoltaic system is naturally photovoltaics. They consist of a frame (panel) in which there are the photovoltaic elements (or cells). The characteristic of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity. On the back side of the photovoltaic panels leaving two wires (positive and negative + -) from which we get electricity.

Performance of photovoltaic
The photovoltaic panels convert only a percentage of solar energy into electricity. How large is this figure depends on the type of photovoltaic modules.

Monocrystalline what elements are of greater efficiency (and to convert 17% of solar energy into electricity). The polycrystalline data are slightly lower yield (13% -15%), but it is cheaper than monocrystalline.

There are so-called "amorphous" consisting of an area rather than interconnected photovoltaic cells as above. These have a lower yield (5% -10%) but is the cheapest. Just need more surface to give the same effect on the monocrystalline or polycrystalline photovoltaic.

Available solar energy for photovoltaic
The sun provides more than 1000 Watt per square meter. Thus, a photovoltaic measuring one meter wide and one meter height (ie a square meter) will produce approximately 160 Watt per hour if it is of monocrystalline solar cells, about 140 Watt per hour if consisting of polycrystalline solar cells and about 80 Watt per hour if for example amorphous silicon.

A roll photovoltaic maximum power 100 Wp output makes approximately 20 Volt and 5 Ampere (20X5 = 100). We can combine what we PANEL photovoltaics in series or parallel, to achieve the combination of current-voltage (volt), current (ampere) and of course the total power (watt) we have our system.

Example: Associated photovoltaic
If we have 10 photovoltaic panels power 100Wp each, connected in series will have a total voltage of 200V and 5A intensity. Associated will have a total voltage of about 20V and intensity 50a. In both cases the total power is 1.000 Watt / p. So, with 5 hours of intense sunshine a day, will pay 5.000 Watt / hours per day, or 5KWh.

Photovoltaic connected in series where we have connections between them, combining the positive output wire of a panel with the other negative, ie, alternately with the + - etc.

Connected in parallel is when you connect the positive cable output of a panel with the following positive and negative output cable to the negative of the next. In turn, only added voltage (the volt), while only added intensity (the ampere).

The photovoltaic panels is usually a tendency for greater range (volt) when it comes to syndedethoun with PPC network. Although intended for autonomous system with accumulators (batteries), then the required voltage is dependent on batteries. If the battery voltage is 12V, then connect the photovoltaic parallel (the voltage remains constant and multiply the Ampere).

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