The human race

The idea that everyone belongs in what we call human race seems to finally be accepted by all. This is a great achievement, I would say a top achievement, because people were paid by major dividing lines within the human species, to the extent that some people either were released outside the human race, or were not due to a lower category race. The list of such discrimination is endless. To some such distinctions: Master, slave, helots, communities, Greek, barbarian, white, black, yellow, remove race, man, woman, etc.

The fact that we are all one race, recently proved scientifically with DNA. It was found that all people have a 99.99% common DNA. The remaining 0.01% is this diversity that makes each of us. This means that my own DNA and a native of Australia, or the American Indians, or African black, yellow or Asia, may have many more similarities than my own DNA, with DNA my brother. This is the strongest proof that we are all one race, that we are all brothers.

Yet even today, that we are all brothers remain only as a scientific finding, since there are societies on this planet who continue to live with dividing lines. Suffice it to mention the oppression of women in countries such as Afghanistan, the oppression of blacks in many countries, etc. Especially on the subject of women, we note that in the world today she is responsible for 50% of work in every corner of the Earth, while paying only 10% compared to the man.

But generally, there is now a prevailing atmosphere in the whole world that separates people into higher and lower, depending on wealth, education, origin, etc. Never again will stop this silly distinction in our minds that we can see each fellow, as we would like to see this: As a unique and unrepeatable existence, we must all respect without any discrimination, and to love we can.

I deplore what you say but will defend
as the death your right to say.

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