Aliens visited Planet Earth

Imagine the days of writing this , we have a friendly visiting alien. Before landing, studies by tall blue planet. I feel that will be left amazed and impressed in front is so beautiful that our Earth, especially in front of the huge variety of plant and animal life forms. That life form is expected that they will impress the most of is the man.

I feel that the aliens, when land and move among us and know us closely, we find that we live literally «out of place». The «place» in which we live is a small insignificant planet promises a vast universe and we are not merely the product of a long biological evolution that took 4 billion years. The «years» which is the age we live in this circumstance is going to know what we know about the universe and life (which it never was in its path of humanity). However, we are not aware of the knowledge about the universe and life. We continue to live as our ancestors lived thousands of years ago, in ignorance and darkness.

The aliens (life forms more intelligent than us, since they came to Earth from so far away) will ask themselves: Once people know all they know about the universe and life, it is possible to live too long «out of place» . If elementary lived «in place and time», then the dominant element of life would care and love for fellow man, for all life on Earth, for nature, for the entire planet. Humankind would have to show love for knowledge, truth, spiritual and moral values. Daily care, but also a source of happiness for every man should have been how to experience life and the universe as much as possible through science, philosophy and art. The whole earth should be a vast laboratory study of life and the universe, with atmosphere surrounding the universal values, humanity and a prosperous and happy and protected and a healthy planet.

Instead of the image, the aliens look a man afraid, seeker, evil, inhumane, that daily care is how this goes better, how will accrue more wealth, fame and visibility, and let others suffer and starve us. We see a humanity that has (does not want to) understand the «place» and «time» living. Why do we live in a beautiful place, in a beautiful planet into a vast, wonderful and incredible universe, why do we unprecedented admirable form of life on Earth, the universe as a whole.

Faced with this very bad picture will face the aliens, they will find is pleased that a small percentage of people who try (and succeed to some degree) to live «in place and time». It is just these people, me and a constant struggle, living within a cruel world, lift and stood up against the current of material goods, are aware of the «place» and «time» living. The suit followed a few, while most people despise them, the fools, call them naive, quaint, unrealistic and other unspeakable.

Residents of the earth, not get enough to discuss with aliens. Moreover, they have so much to ask them. Numerous questions and queries on the universe, for galaxies, for life on earth and other planets. That question seems to gather the most interesting part is expressed by this earth: There God? Encounter God anywhere? What do you think about God?

The aliens respond with great comfort and confidence as follows: We find that there is a God as you understand and live thousands of years on Earth, sometimes believing the moon and sun, sometimes in Jupiter and Neptune, a former prophets like Isaiah and Mohammed and his son before God in Christ. I must say that this issue hardly concerns us, because it seems that we can solve. But what, which is sovereign in our lives is that we exist and we are glad to give everything to make our lives but becomes more interesting, more meaningful, happier, more civilized.

At the time of separation will tell us these things few words:

We have visited many planets in the universe. We have experienced many forms of life. We admire many cultures.

We have seen planets where the inhabitants are loved and they all work for knowledge, life and culture. In these cases, the residents of these planets are living happy, while developing knowledge very quickly, to a degree that can travel to other worlds in other galaxies. We are residents of this planet.

We have seen planets where the inhabitants are trapped and locked into passions on prejudice in interwoven. These people are often driven by their own destruction. Unable to defeat their passions, to overcome their prejudices, n 'rid of corrupt interwoven, are turning against each other and together against nature as a result, sooner or later come to the end. This category of planets and the Earth is you.

We have seen very few planets like Earth you where residents perceive the bad time coming and correct their course to an extent are like those planets, dominated by cooperation and love. If you do that, we will leave behind once and for all the path of self-destruct and take the road of knowledge and happiness. If you do, then you have every chance to join you and visitors to other planets to learn from nearly every corner of the universe, meet countless and beautiful life forms.

When you learn to fly from planet to planet and galaxy to galaxy, you will see the vast and unimaginable beauty of the universe. You will find that the more knowledge and experience you gain, and so much more to love yourself, your neighbor, the earth, the universe as a whole. We, and all advanced civilizations in the universe, we know very well that to climb higher and live a life full of satisfaction, happiness and beauty should be based on knowledge and inspired by love. The sooner you accept the finding, the sooner we will remove from your self-destruction, but quicker and so will close the day you can visit us.

Leaving your planet Earth, we thank you for your hospitality and invite you to you and we in our distant galaxy where we live. If you love to visit our planet, but to see other lives and other planets and other galaxies, our expertise, experience and other planets with life, has taught us that one is the way to accomplish this. This road is the same for all developed planets in the universe and all the inhabitants of all these planets using essentially the same word: Filokosmia.

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