
Globalization (globalization) in our time is not an historic leadership or innovation. There was a long time and took different forms depending on the circumstances of life. In the nearest past, particularly before 1914, was a much higher degree than the present. In this recent period of globalization rather than unify the world market, has created conflicts that resulted in endokapitalistikous competitions, rivalries and conflicts, thus the two most terrible wars which have seen mankind: the First and Second World War.

Before the two world wars, globalization had the form of colonialism. As is known, many Western European countries before 5 centuries engaged in colonialism, so much of the Earth except for a few countries (Russia, China, etc.) have fallen into the hands of England , Spain, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, France, etc. It was the most appalling period in the history of mankind, which exploits the weak by the possible got this global scope. It was the period when Western European countries conquered and pillaged over the world with unacknowledged brutality.

For example the English Empire, with its great naval power, made a colony of Australia, India, Egypt, Cyprus, northern America and elsewhere. The accumulation of wealth in England from the sweat of people who had won defies the imagination. So they passed well and enslaved lived in appalling conditions. The same goes for Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, etc.

As the centuries passed, people began to rebel and slowly gaining their freedom. This release effort lasted until recently. Today we are pleased to say that finally, this terrible picture of colonialism, virtually disappeared from the face of Earth.

As countries, one by one, have recovered their liberty, after directed, naturally, the quality of life of their citizens, based on the talents of their people, in soil and the subsoil, etc. Of all the countries in the world, to my knowledge, that followed this model of development, but doing something more about it, particularly based on slavery, is the current U.S.

During the colonial period, notorious smuggler, looting poor villages in Africa and took slaves as young men and women and sold as if they were animals in the U.S. An estimated 12 million young people from Africa were sold there, especially in southern states, where they worked in cotton plantation. The slave owner had right to life and death over the slaves. Thus, 12 million people lived for centuries in such misery, that defies the imagination. They lived like animals. Many times worse than animals. The slave owner could slay the slave and have many responsibilities and remorse if they slaughtered many a cock.

So the whites of the USA and the countries of Western Europe were making their dreams (the American dream, the English, Spanish, Dutch, etc.) for a rich and comfortable lives, denying freedom of other peoples on Earth, making them even slaves, they bought and sold into slavery, as now buy products in the marketplace.

I say all this to conclude that most of today's rich countries of Western Europe and the U.S. acquired their wealth from other nations that had slavery and exploiting wild.

But it always did all the possible payment of the Earth world: Darius, Xerxes, the Pharaohs, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, the Hannibal, Attila, the Genghis Khan, Napoleon the Great, and everyone else. Always strong katapatousan, exathlionan wild and farmed the weak. Perhaps there were some small differences between them, but basically had all of them, more or less the same behavior. I refer here especially in western Europe and the U.S. because they happen to be the strong and the rich in our time and for no other reason entirely. In short, whatever happened today instead of U.S. and Western Europe (eg Argentine, Brazilian, Egyptian, Chinese, Mongols), everyone would do the same.

The exploitation of poor countries by rich continues today. The farm was once said of colonialism and slavery, later said something else, today we call globalization. It is not merely, as he and Chomsky (Chomsky), «old wine in new bottle», or as he says our people «changed the Manolios and put his clothes otherwise». Moreover, as we have noted, the countries of Western Europe and the U.S., armed with globalization, now operate 85% of sweat all the peoples of Earth. That is the truth and if some unscrupulous individuals are trying to fill to mask so anomikes their own behavior.


Today the term globalization means the spread and prevalence of free market capitalism around the world. The biggest catalyst that contributed to the flourishing of capitalism was the collapse of communism in 1989. Main driver of globalization is promoting new technologies that fill the world with great speed.

Today's globalization has other characteristics. Rich countries (this time more intelligently thinking) instead of n 'allilosparazontai, as they did in the past, rallied and cooperating with the result to spread their tentacles all over the world, aiming at richer «booty», ie larger profits they share among themselves. This situation has created many serious problems on our planet. Mention the following.

· Surging stock market at the expense of production. Stock Exchange Daily global turnover is much higher than the turnover of production. The production, which is the real driver of growth, shrinking, so the swells and dangerous achyrenia economy the stock market, where among others washed the black dirty money, ie fraud, dirt, complicity and criminality.

· Member increasingly weakened and challenged by the power and enagkaliasmo of transnational enterprises.

· Member inhibited, indicating weakness, thus obscuring the spread and prevalence of globalization, leading to an explosion at unprecedented highs, unemployment, poverty, misery and social exclusion. The specific gravity of citizens in decisions that affect them is hopelessly limited.

· There is no vision for a better world. The purpose of globalization is how to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

· Globalization operate with increasing irresponsibility with impunity, with brutality and authoritarianism. Democracy and pluralism are compressed, sometimes intolerable.

· The stock market profit per minute, the order of 100 million U.S. dollars.

· The 3 richest people in the world have assets exceeding the combined GDP of the 28 least developed countries of our planet.

· The 82 richest people in the world have an annual income as is the annual income of all Chinese people is 1.2 billion!

· The 358 richest people in the world have an annual income as is the annual income of half the world's population is 3 billion!

· A quarter of the world population have an income no more than a dollar a day.

· On the pretext of globalization seeks to shrinking the state, particularly the welfare state, ie education, health and safety.

· Mankind is led into misery and destruction for no good reason.

· The massacre of nature grows dangerous.

· The shrinking state and the private sector expands.

· The decline of intellectual property grows while the search for material goods become more rabid.

· Diminishes the humanity and inhumanity grow.

· Truth be told less often, while the lie and disorientation flourish.

True · information disappears and is guided and misinformation grows.

· Human diminishes extroversion, introversion while growing.

· The free thinking diminishes, while the growing obscurantism.

· Democracy diminishes and terrorism of all kinds grow.

· Humanity dominated more easily, while social cohesion is weakened continuously.

· The arrogance of the rich and strong growth (see Figure 5.16) which grows and misery and suffering of the poor.

· Globalization «ekchersonei» every day and more economic-political and cultural worldwide.

· Globalization demolishing every day and more the great social achievements (Magna Carta, UN, hours, etc.).

· Globalization spreads its tentacles around the world, razing the diversity, characteristics and talents of each nation on the altar of money, profits and visibility. Threatens to swallow the customs, traditions, languages, cultures, religions

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