The most polluted areas of the world

A list of the most polluted areas of the world was published by an American environmental organization. The Institute's Top 10 Blaksmith includes cities from Russia, China, India, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Peru and Zambia.

The report estimates that about 12 million people accepted the serious effects of pollution, caused primarily by chemical industries and metal processing. Possible side effects are recorded as a chronic illness and premature death.

The annual report listed alphabetically areas and not contamination level «given the large range in size of areas, populations and pollution dynamics».
Among the new items that have joined the list of 2007 is Tianginkg in China, where a health risk is approximately 140,000 people due to a massive lead production base. Note also that the city Soukinta India operated 12 mines without environmental controls, resulting in leakage of dangerous chemicals in water supplies. Sumqayit In Azerbaijan, the former Soviet industrial area contaminated the environment with industrial chemicals and heavy metals. According to the report, the incidence of cancer in Sumqayit is 51% higher than the national average and that genetic mutations are common.

The Director of the Institute Blaksmith, Richard Fuller, said that in these parts infected children die and do not require specialized scientific knowledge to save. «This year, the media have focused more on pollution, but there was very little action in terms of funding or new programs. Everyone needs to start doing something ».

Where the infection strikes red

Sumqayit, Azerbaijan: Potential receivers 275,000 people

Linfen, China: potential receivers 3 million people

Tiangingk, China: potential receivers 140,000 people

Soukinta, India: possible receivers 2.6 million people

Vapi, India: possible receivers 71,000 people

La Orogia, Peru: possible receivers 35,000 people

Ntzerzinsk, Russia: Potential receivers 300,000 people

Norilsk, Russia: Potential receivers 134,000 people

Chernobyl, Ukraine: possible receivers 5.5 million people

Kabua, Zambia: possible receivers 255,000 people

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