Innocent drinks and foods full of «guilty» conservative

Scientists hit the bell of the risk for a variety of additives caused by nerve and intestinal disorders and anemia, and carcinogenicity.

Soft drinks-especially in summer, is certainly a source of enjoyment for young and old, but excessive consumption and the failure of some instructions may cause serious problems.

Although for years the experts are sounding the alarm for some conservative groups (ie additives in foods that provide protection against lesions caused by various microorganisms), had to alarm by scientists at the University of Southampton on the preservative E211 to mobilize the Security Service of the British food and consumer associations.

Other announcements made from time to time by research teams in Europe and the USA, guilt and other conservative substances: E210 (Benzoic Acid), E212 (Potassium Benzoate), E213 (Calcium Benzoate), E214 (Ethyl-4-hydroxybenzo-ate ), E215 (Sodium Salt), E216 (Propyl-para-hydroxyben-zoate), E217 (Propyl-4-hydroxybenzoate), E218 (Methyl P-hydroxybenzoate) and E219 (Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate), as high risk with potential side effects , hyperactivity, nervous disorders, intestinal disorders, asthma attacks, anemia and carcinogenicity.

If you think that all these are widely used in soft drinks, confectionery, preserves, croissants, jams, snacks and standard products, we understand that we are talking about situations that require special attention.

The E211 (sodium benzoate), used for many years by carbonated soft drinks industry, from the family of salts of benzoic acid and protects the food from rotting, (mold growth) or unwanted microbial fermentation.

News from abroad indicate that beyond the specific risks of this group, there is a group of colors - used to add, enhance or help to display the desired color in a food or a drink or refreshment.

Specifically, coloring E102, E104, E110, E122, E124, E129 considered (apart from the headaches and gastric disturbances and possible allergic reactions and skin) that are dangerous for children because they are linked to hyperactivity, which can take unexpected size .

And the first group mentioned (E211 to E217), many scientists point out that E contains preservatives that can cause carcinomas develop!

On the Internet there is also full list of colorants and additives for food delivered by the hospital center of Chaumont, France, based on information of the research hospital of Villajuir.

You and only you can check the classification of specific colors and preservatives and most carefully check every food that you buy - especially for young children are much more sensitive.

The newspaper «Ôhe Independent» continuously updating articles to the public on the E211, announced that Coca Cola has already begun the gradual removal of sodium benzoate from Diet Coke - not because there is a problem, as announced by the company in Britain, but «Recognizing the changing needs of the general public».

Of course the movement of huge multinational does not mean the abolition of the E211 - other companies also continue to drink included in the composition of the diet drinks considering that there is not enough scientific research to prove the existence of carcinogenicity due.

But it is a first step, until the time comes to be completely banned the use of each type of food.

In the international literature indicates that aspartame or other related names (such as N-L-Aspartyl-L-phenylalanine-1-methyl ester), was discovered accidentally in 1965. This association was more delicious than many alternatives and considered to have an excellent opportunity to pass the strict control of toxicity. The substance has been the subject of more than 100 scientific studies and eventually reached one of the most studied food additives and drinks market. It is a white white powder that is soluble in water and alcohol. All can be exposed to aspartame with dietary consumption of soft drinks, low calorie desserts and foods containing the substance.

Inspections of the toxicity of aspartame show no significant impact on the health of animals took part in the trial.

There are sometimes complaints that causes chronic and severe headaches in susceptible people, also some people with allergic history have announced that they are filled with rash after consumption of aspartame.

Some also worried despite the complete lack of integrated scientific information and that because aspartame contains an amino acid (aspartate acid in large quantities over stimulates the brain), this excitability can harm pregnant women, children and especially infants, who are particularly vulnerable to brain damage caused by hyperstimulation of neurons in the brain.

What I assume (and of course appear at all the bottles of soft drinks containing aspartame) is that this substance can cause serious problems for those who suffer from phenylketonuria and therefore its use is prohibited in this group patients.

The Saccharin, though harmless, WITH LIST OF SUBSTANCES CAUTION
The Aspartame has replaced, in fact, fully saccharin, which is the only sugar substitute that is used for over 90 years. Although there have been many investigations, there has never proven that saccharin causes cancer.

Many researchers now believe that saccharin may contribute to the development of tumors that already exist, but to help create tous.Kapoioi other researchers believe that children-especially those under 10 years-may be particularly at risk from the consumption of saccharin.

Also many as saccharin consumed inadvertently (for example, toothpaste or oral solution), it will be updated and display the product label, which warns of its existence.

We emphasize that although the use is not prohibited, is registered in a list of the Environmental Protection Agency of USA, for substances for which the general public should pay attention.

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