Effects of climate conditions

An effect of climate conditions is the reduction in rainfall. Africa will suffer more than any other continent. Followed by Europe and Southern Europe in particular, the decline will be around 20% in winter and 30% in summer. Finally, it is expected that similar phenomena will affect Australia, Texas USA and elsewhere.

The above climatic changes will have serious effects on our health. We will have an increase in malaria and expansion in areas not so far were affected by this, as in Mediterranean countries, in Texas USA and elsewhere. Also we will have worse cases of yellow fever and other diseases.

This has led to dramatic reduction of water on Earth. 25% of the world population, ie 1.5 billion people have no potable water. 80% of diseases presenting this population due to lack of water. Worldwide, around 75% of water used for agricultural purposes. There is serious lack of water for irrigation in many parts of the Earth (Arabian peninsula, Southeast Africa, in areas of India and America and elsewhere). Supported by many many wars in the future will be because of the extreme shortage of water.Moreover, it n 'refer to natural water sources. This water is clean, with a steady cool temperature. Thousands of years, perhaps millions of years, nature created a lot of patience with such innumerable natural springs to xedipsoun animals and people, both healthy drinking water, that anything similar can not fix man. Even today we drink bottled water from natural sources. But unfortunately these priceless natural resources dry up, even disappear entirely each year and more, because of thoughtless human intervention in the environment.
The rain contains strong acids, from which it takes its name. These acids (mainly sulfur and nitrogen) are in the atmosphere in large quantities from burning coal and oil. When rain falls infected, killed lakes and rivers, and destroyed vast areas of forests. The phenomenon of acid rain is severe in the countries of Europe and North America. This was certainly expected, because in these countries the atmosphere is more polluted than any other place on Earth.

The overall picture of our planet is that suffocates everywhere: in the seas, lakes, rivers, on land, the atmosphere. Especially the seas and lakes have become the «convenient» bins humanity. The list of garbage and toxic wastes that fall into the seas and lakes is enormous. Name but a few of them: detergents, solvents, fertilizer residues, insecticides, herbicides, plastics of any kind (bags, glasses, tablecloths, toys, shavers, etc.), tires (cars, bicycles, parts of various machines, etc.), aluminum (cans, appliances, doors, windows, etc.). If someone want to give numbers that correspond to some of the above «garbage», will scare us. I leave to you to figure eg how many empty boxes aluminum beer and soft drinks throw all the peoples of earth on land, seas and lakes annually. How many plastic bags. How many tires (there are 500 million cars on the planet).

The greed of man reaching damage is irreversible, leading to the extinction of that life forms on our planet. It is estimated that humans kill each day around 100 species of animals, birds, fish and plants. This means that all that life forms paradise lost forever and so the man will never have the opportunity to learn, to study, can 't love. Most importantly is that we benefit from them because, of course, humans have benefited and still benefit greatly from many types of animals and plants (eg pharmaceutical manufacturing). When you kill a life form that has never ever be like you burn a book before you even read it. So you lose forever the opportunity to learn what a nice, interesting and beneficial things he wrote this book.

The ecosystem, made with great care by the mother earth for 4 billion years is a wonderful miracle of nature. It is a tissue that involves animate and inanimate, in the water within the Earth, on Earth and in the atmosphere, in a miraculous way. The ecosystem is both robust and very sensitive.

Thanks to the robustness of the developed life forms millions and survived and survive for millions of years. If the ecosystem collapse due to small ecological disturbances, then there would be a long life on planet Earth. For example, as already mentioned, a great destruction of Earth, which is around 65 million years ago wiped out many forms (the most famous of all is the dinosaurs). But a huge variety of living organisms survived this disaster, and so there was continuity of life on our planet which has evolved in its present form.

The ecosystem is also sensitive on the following lines: Small changes can make big, even huge disasters. Eg Who would expect that the disappearance of the thin layer of ozone plays a decisive role in both life on Earth? If this layer disappeared completely, life on Earth will be exposed to huge risks. Who would expect that pesticides and DDT would wipe out so many forms of life? Who would expect that a small increase in temperature on Earth will have a major impact in biosystems;

Finally, the man lived all these years, completely unaware of the massive forces hiding inside the person. It was only in the early 20th century began to understand and 1940s that created the first atomic bomb. Nobody, not even imagined all the thousands living man on Earth, that minimum quantity of matter (as some few cubic meters), if converted into energy, can destroy all life on the whole Earth.

The ecosystem holds the balance of billion years. In recent years, we accomplished a lot of blows. The wise is to stop the challenge because both sensitivities, and the resistance, it is within limits. If overcome, we will bring irreparable damage, perhaps the total destruction of life on our planet.

All the above shows that disasters have literally ruining our planet. And worse is that these disasters are increasing exponentially with time, so the Earth slowly dies. Primarily responsible for the destruction of the environment are the industrialized countries. For instance, 1 / 3 of the Earth due to contamination in the U.S. Never man had caused such damage to the environment, in so little time.

The population explosion is perhaps the greatest danger threatening our planet.The time of Christ the Earth's population was around 100 million. In 1000 AD The population was 200 million. That took 1000 years to double the population of Earth. 1500 AD the population reached 400 million. Here time doubling the population of Earth has fallen by half since it took only 500 years to double, ie to go from 200 to 400 million. From 1500 AD yet, in a period of 500 years, the 400 million population reached 6 billion (Figure 5.9). That is, in 500 years we have not twice or three times.

It is expected that 50 years from now Earth's population will reach 10 billion to 100 years, 16 billion, five hundred years at least 100 billion (some estimate could reach 200, perhaps 300 billion).

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