warm up saving energy

If you do not believe the statistics, look at your wallet. More than half the energy it needs consumed a house for the purpose of heating during the cold months of winter. Besides the warmth but this involves costs, but also a significant burden on the environment, since the heating is usually provided by oil burners or electricity produced by lignite. Fortunately, things change. The technology has made leaps and the consumer now has a multitude of options to meet its energy needs.

How can heat my house with clean energy sources?

With modern biomass burners.
With geothermal heat pumps.
With solar thermal systems.
With hybrid systems combining these technologies.

What a more attractive option?

With current fuel prices, the best options in economic terms are:

1. Geothermal heat pumps

2. Biomass

3. Air Conditioner

4. Natural gas

5. Oil - LPG

Certainly, over the cost should take into account and no environmental impact from the use of any technology (eg air conditioners consume electricity is mainly produced from lignite and thus significantly affect the environment). Use the special program by Greenpeace to calculate emissions from heating your home.

How do I warm up saving energy?

Adjust your wardrobe habits according to season, even in the house. The clothes are the thermal insulation of the body.
Aerosteganoste the frames. Reduce heat loss and improve the thermal comfort.
Maintain the heating plant at the end of winter. This improves performance, reduces fuel consumption and air pollution and equipment last longer.
Replace the boiler with boiler natural gas or biomass.
Install a system to compensate for multifamily automatic temperature prosagomenou hot water to radiators, depending on outside temperature and the desired internal temperature.
Install thermostats area if you house. Multifamily should be simultaneously installed in conjunction with calorimeters. The thermostatically-controlled heating conditions improves comfort and reduces consumption.
Set the thermostat at a lower temperature at night or when you are away for several hours. For every degree you lower the thermostat to save 1-2% in energy.
Isolated areas which are not used by setting the switch to radiators.
You open the curtains and blinds in the south windows to allow the sun to go indoor.
Close external shutters at night or when wind blows a lot.
Close the throttle of the chimney of the fireplace when not in use.
Periodically vented heaters. Do not cover me.
With good insulation achieving economies in energy and money. Insulate the roof, the flats, the boiler external piping and central heating.

Get smart windows and glazed (especially in the northern exposures).
Determine the heating you will need after you apply all operations to save energy.

Select boiler-burner

The correct choice of the system (be it burner oil or other fuel) is essential. Usually, technical yperdiastasiologoun systems to be sure that you will pay. Unfortunately, the oversizing can lead to excesses and extravagance. A very rough rule for an average home in Greece is that the power of your system should be 1 / 10 of the square of your house. If eg live in a house 80 square meters, the power requirement for heating is about 8 KW (kilowatts, 1 KW = 860 Kcal / h). Obviously, this is an order of magnitude only, since the exact strength will be determined by the quality of construction and insulation and climate zone where you are.

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