Organic Vs Conventional products

Agriculture and the environment are closely linked concepts. Farmers are the first to have the benefit of their commitment to environmental protection in order to preserve natural resources which are directly dependent. Intensive farming is alleged to have caused the destruction of soil structure, the loss of biodiversity and degradation of food quality and the levels of undesirable substances.

That is why organic farming is an alternative way of farming than conventional farming, which uses less fertilizer and pesticides than conventional agriculture. In recent years even the food scandal to erupt one after another, more and more consumers prefer organic products that are healthier than conventional ones because they contain pesticides. As a biological or organic characterized those products are produced without using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators and prosthetic materials. Organic farming following significant growth rates. The main reason for buying organic products seems to be the potential benefits to health and the environment.

Used in organic farming organic farming methods, ie methods without the use of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or chemicals of any kind of synthetic hormones. Contrary to conventional farming methods used chemical treatment of individual diseases or pests of crops, which are chemical products that are composed in the laboratory. The consequence is environmental pollution and general flora and fauna, but particularly the emergence of serious chronic diseases in humans. Organic farming does not exploit the land in this way and contribute to rural development. Basis for the production of an appropriate selection for resistance to diseases, types of plant varieties.

As we informed the agronomist Blounas Evangelos, organic farming is a biological preparations, namely preparations from other plants that contain the natural substance that can eliminate the disease in question. It says Mr Blounas in organic soil covered with transparent PVC suitable material, which has the effect of increasing the temperature of the soil through the solar rays to destroy harmful to the soil and cultivating microorganisms. Contrary to conventional agriculture, soil decontamination is achieved by using chemical disinfectants, which are often dangerous to humans. Although expensive, the use of organic products is growing at an annual rate of 20% and this means that there are organic products in almost every area of food.

Ochymos organic fruit contains more flavonoids than the amount of juice produced by conventional fruit. What Americans say researchers Washington State University, following research conducted with support from the Organic Center. The juices were investigated came from organic and conventional lemons, limes, grapefruit, apple, tomato. Flavonoids are substances produced naturally only in plants and used for their defense.

The reason that makes these substances is so important antioxidant action. The important aspect of this research is that for the first time a calculation of bioavailable compounds (including flavonoids) and even he gave interesting results. By analyzing the levels of these substances in organic fruit juices and comparing them to conventional counterparts, it appeared that the organic juices contain between 80 and 1,000% higher amount of flavonoids. Most importantly, the result of the investigation was that the organic fruit superior in bioavailable compounds, that is directly usable by our bodies.

Not all organic fruit better. As we pointed out agronomist Lucia Tsaglos, check the following: Fruit with a thin rind is problematic. These fruits are very sensitive and easily penetrate to the pesticide. Additionally these fruits have higher levels of vitamins and minerals. Prefer the following organic fruits: apples, pears, grapes, peaches, strawberries and cherries. On the other hand, fruits that have thick enough skin protected from pesticides. Prefer the following conventional fruit: banana, pineapple, mango, kiwi.

The vegetables had always been a very important place in the culinary traditions and is, after the whole grains, the richest source of minerals and vitamins. Water containing has characteristics different from spring water, which make it suitable to replace water supplies lost by the body through the various excretory functions such as urination, breathing, sweating ... It is also rich in fiber and apeptes a Chlorophyll, which facilitate the functionality of the intestine. All vegetables have strong alkaline action prevents the accumulation of acidic substances.

Organic fruits and vegetables are better for the heart of what species are cultivated in a conventional manner. This results from surveys of American scientists, who compared the conventional organic fruits and vegetables. The research of experts from the University of California, lasted 10 years. The researchers compared organic tomatoes with those produced by traditional methods and concluded that organic have almost twice the antioxidants known as flavonoids-the-which helps to prevent high blood pressure and reduce the likelihood of heart disease and stroke. Indeed according to Alison Mitchell, a chemical derived from the University of California, flavonoids may also help strengthen the body against certain cancers and dementia. Professor Mitchell and her team concluded that organic tomatoes contain flavonoids and kouersetini kamferoli averaged rates 79 and 97% respectively.

Until now it was difficult for experts to make comparisons between fruit and vegetables produced organically and those produced conventionally, because of difficulties arising in comparing the quality of soil, irrigation practices and how to manage the harvest of produced. In recent research, however, the researchers used data obtained through long-term study of specific cultural techniques. So, unable to compare the resulting products were produced conventionally or organically. The same stress that the different levels recorded in the flavonoids in tomatoes due to the absence of pesticides from crop species.

In plants, flavonoids are a kind of defense mechanism that is activated when there is a lack of nutrients, for example, the lack of nitrogen in the soil. When we strengthen farmers plants with many nutrients, while depriving them the opportunity to develop flavonoids. The researchers pointed out that even low levels of flavonoids in conventional tomatoes caused by excessive use of fertilizers. We note that flavonoids are antioxidants contained in plant foods and enhancing their defensive action against fungi, insects and other pests. When conventionally grown some vegetables absorb more chemicals than others. Prefer the following organic vegetables: potatoes, corn, celery and peppers.

Not all organic fruit better. As we pointed out agronomist Lucia Tsaglos should check the following: Fruit with a thin rind is problematic. These fruits are very sensitive and easily penetrate to the pesticide. Additionally these fruits have higher levels of vitamins and minerals. Prefer the following organic fruits: apples, pears, grapes, peaches, strawberries and cherries. On the other hand, fruits that have thick enough skin protected from pesticides. Prefer the following conventional fruit: banana, pineapple, mango, kiwi.

(Wheat, oats, barley, rye, maize, etc.)

There is not much difference with conventional and organic cereals, because the cultivation of organic grain is not as developed. Wheat is grown organically in Greece is mainly durum wheat pasta as well as for production of organic wheat bread. Organic cultivation of wheat began in 1995 and represents 1.4% of total wheat production. The organic wheat is grown in a wide range of soils from sandy to clay. The wheat crop is low nutrient requirements. The lubrication for all cultures ameipsesporas. In organic cultivation of wheat there are no major problems. This is mainly due to the high density of sowing, which is good competition against weeds. As for the various diseases caused by insects and fungi are treated with ameipsespora, which interrupted the life cycle of the pathogen. In organic agriculture is to replace the cultivation of wheat with one another which is not a host for the pathogen.

Little is known about the safety of organic wine compared with the conventional. But some critics say are organic wines taste better. The correct term is «organic wine», but «wine from organically grown grapes»: The «organic wines» produced from vines grown in accordance with the standards of regulation on organic farming (EEC) 2092/91, but regulation does not extend to the whole process of winemaking. As to 'yes, I would recommend you prefer organic wine because the grapes are affected by several pesticides.

• Even organic wine contains sulfites, even in smaller quantities. They exist in every wine, as a result of the fermentation process but added additional quantities of production, to inhibit the growth of bacteria. The sulfites are the main «guilty» on allergic reactions some people have towards the wine (eg skin rashes), and disorders such as headaches. If you are, then, allergic, consult your doctor whether you can consume wine, even if it comes from organic grapes. If that wine again just cause you headaches, prefer the conventional red wines and organic wines, which usually contain less sulfites.

(lentils, beans, chickpeas, rice)
The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the cultivation of beans conventional agriculture is little or no charge and no substantial product. Therefore organic than conventional pulses are significant differences in Greece, and cereals. After all legumes are among the most nutritious foods available. They are very good sources of protein and some of them can replace meat in our diet. The conventional food industry has the potential to make deworming with chemical insecticides, resulting in maintenance times compared with the biological be quite higher. For organic pulses and cereals standardized vacuum or controlled atmosphere (various inert gases) the holding time can be themselves.

Regardless of the type, legumes are rich in protein, potassium, folic acid, iron and magnesium. It is low in fat. Instead, they have high content fytochimikes substances which may help prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. In conventional, it is possible to make metasyllektika waxing, with products containing fungicides. This may maintain in relation to biological longer. Finally, to note that the new hybrids and sprays with specialized plant protection products, conventional starting to outweigh the holding time. Nevertheless, it remains the superiority of organic products in aroma, flavor and nutrients per unit weight.

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