How to reduce stress in your environment

Many factors of our environment can cause us stress. We must be able to recognize these factors and to remove.

Our life is accompanied by numerous factors that can cause us stress. So whenever we can neutralize some, it is better to do.

What factors in our everyday environment that can cause us stress and we can remove them?

Let's see with the main culprits and what we can do to neutralize them:

1. The air quality in areas where we are.

The air quality in places where we waste most of our time at home or at work plays an important role in our quality of life. It is important to those places, good ventilation and air filters that help reduce the stress we caused.

There are organic compounds from cleaning, upholstery, carpets, adhesives as well as chemicals from photocopiers that can contribute to poor air quality in the area where we are.

In extreme cases, the lack of good air quality can cause physical illness. Usually caused cough and sore throat.

The air humidity also plays a role. The very dry or very humid air causing a nuisance. The regulation of air humidity or by removing moisture with specific regulators or by adding moisture and even by putting some plants contribute to air is the space we are more comfortable.

If the air in our work and our home is not good we can take steps to improve. In the workplace can be installed well ventilation or air cleaning. At home in the regular opening of windows to improve air quality.

2. Noise.

The cause unwanted noise is increasing stress. It can change for the worse mental mood and reduces our energy.

Any form of noise can be annoying in certain circumstances. In the office the phones useless noise, people talking loudly, several machines or devices causing a background of continuous increase of stress. At home, television, radio and other sources of noise contribute to the genesis of stress.

For these reasons, whenever possible, we must take steps to reduce unwanted noise. They use buffers, dividers, carpets, curtains to reduce noise. It also can be designed quiet rooms or areas to take place there, considerable work needs more concentration.

3. The color.

The colors play a role in mood and level of our energy. The red color is associated with feelings of anger or aggression. Other colors such as green are compatible with sleeping and blue with the calm.

Certainly the choice of color is a personal matter. But whenever possible, it is good to choose the corresponding colors and shades and shadows, which reduce our stress and make us feel more comfortable.

4. The clutter and the arrangement of furniture.

Do not hesitate to throw away and remove anything that is absolutely necessary in the area you work or live. The unneeded accumulated a source of loss of time and energy. It is also an important reason clutter.

Retaining only those necessary for operation, you achieve a better order and cleanliness. We lose precious time and not bothering because you want something and never find it.

The arrangement of furniture in your space can substantially contribute to your mental peace. Overcrowding causing tension and so do not load your environment with furniture that is not absolutely necessary.

The result is that you will feel more comfortable, more relaxed, less unnecessary stress.

5. The working space in your computer.

Many of us now spend long periods working in a computer. It is very important to pay particular attention to location and at our work with our computer.

The intensity in his eyes, damage due to repetitive motions, back pain, muscle tension, neck pain, headaches can be reduced as much as possible if we create a proper, ergonomic workplace.

If we can do a good job in an appropriate location then increasing productivity and substantially reduce stress.

6. Remove tobacco smoke.

Chronic exposure to tobacco smoke, accumulates in the body many toxins. They are cause of many diseases.

Apart from the diseases they cause, tobacco toxins are an important environmental factor that increases unhealthy stress.

7. Create your own personal space.

At work or at home, create, if possible, your own personal space for you to recede and to remove factors that increase your mental strength.

If you can not create limitations that geographically separate site, try even a simple partition as plants or some furniture to get some form of isolation.

In your room you can relax, think or do important work that requires more concentration. This space can allow you to collect your strengths and increase your energy.

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