How can I help protect tropical forests poou are the lungs of the planet?

- I can save energy both at home and money?
- Affecting the planet purchasing and eating habits me?

You probably noticed that our planet is facing problems, unless the last few years we lived on a desert island or a mountain top. But if so, perhaps it is difficult to know how to offer your help, especially when you are trapped in the busy everyday life and follow a particular lifestyle. This book is designed to inspire and guide anyone who wants to play an active role in environmental forntida but does not know from which to start.

The state of the environment once there was even a debate. A well designed campaign to save a cute animal of the jungle or on a piece of land in our neighborhood may occasionally pulling our attention, but was generally easy to ignore those concerned about the environment - something strange types usually the concern for the fate an unknown or a long black sea bream States had no impact on the lives of any. Nature seemed anethektiki the world so large and so bright that scientists were very difficult to imagine that our lifestyle would destroy the fabric of life in any way.

But times have changed quickly, and frighteningly dangerous is now part of everyday news. Data from around the world show that a small number of inhabitants of the Earth (that we humans) causes irreversible damage to the planet, forcing the opposition out of bounds and put together in the future kidnyno and other species with whom we share the .

The baleful influence is evident at every point on Earth. For example, fish are changing sex as a result of exposure to toxins for which they are responsible people, and species are disappearing faster than ever, and destroyed their natural environment. The change in climate, which is directly related to the burning of fossil fuels says its own plaintive stories, such as drowning and starvation of polar aarkoudon as the ice melts hunt where ever earlier each year, or the threat houses facing hundreds of millions of people from rising sea levels.

They no longer are problems that may face one day our grandchildren, if unfortunate. Happening now and quickly. Many scientists predict that, if not significantly reduce the harmful impact on our environment, within the next two decades would have come in that the marginal point beyond which the rampageous climate change has become rampant and the planet will be irrevocably changed everything what we do.

All this, however, sounds rather too long in relation to our daily problems. The salvation of the world seem like another expense, of the many we have.

Not necessarily needs but more time, money or magical properties to contribute to protecting the planet. The destruction that we cause is the direct result of how we chose to live. Thus changes in many of our daily activities as soon as wake up time to fall asleep (of course in organic cotton sheets), enable us to see the world not to overload the list of our obligations. Everything from the food we eat and how to maintain and to cook the way we work and the work they do, our purchasing habits, clothes to wear and how clean, how to wash, athloumaste, fun and keep our home, everything can change in simple but important ways for the good of our planet.

You have to be a model for virtue can make a difference. There are things that can make even the most selfish of saving the planet. And you have benefits such as savings in weight loss, better physical condition, the amusement of children, the superiority over its neighbors, or just a sweet feeling evaixias.

The priority in the world is but a way of thinking that may find its application to what you are doing, from organizing a party to your retirement from a drunk to a loan. It is interesting that as a challenge to live with respect for the environment is becoming more intense, people and organizations around the world meet with various creative activities, innovations and initiatives relating to the smallest to the biggest issue.

This paper proposes several ways to help protect the planet and the development of a just society for all. Some are small changes in personal habits, which, if repeated every day can have a major impact on all our lives, while others will give you ideas for long-term options that require greater commitment and investment. There are also views on key environmental issues like climate change, food from genetically modified organisms and renewable energy. There is no single recipe for a completely environmentally friendly life, but there are more than 1001 positive transactions, and certainly can be added and others ...

Whether that and the drop looks to find ideas or read from beginning to end, I hope this book A dissolved you feel that you can not do anything about this wonderful planet.

Find the ideas you like, embed them in a private plan change, and we live on Earth as if we intend to stay!

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