The Greenhouse Effect

The sun emits radiation. Since only a 50% reach on earth. 20% absorbed by clouds, while the remaining 30% is reflected back into space. The conservation of the Earth's surface at a constant temperature is the result of the energy balance between incoming solar radiation and the energy radiated by the Earth.
The increased concentration of carbon dioxide and other gases such as:
Water vapor (evaporated water), ozone (secondary pollutant formed in the atmosphere by a series of photochemical reactions), methane (rice, livestock, landfills), chlorofluorocarbons (various sprays, refrigerants) and oxides of nitrogen (fertilizers, deforestation) which are released by human activities trap larger amounts of heat. Some gases are retained in the atmosphere for many years and have multiple effects than carbon dioxide. Of these gases carbon dioxide involved in global emissions by 60%.

The trapping of radiation in the atmosphere is the main consequence of increasing core temperature. Studies have shown that the last century the average temperature of Earth has increased by half a degree with a corresponding increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide by 20%. If the rate of oil consumption continues to grow worldwide by 2% each year, the Earth's temperature will increase leading to:
To melt the ice in the poles, to increase sea levels, coastal areas to be covered by water and large masses of people to move to higher areas. As a result of climate change, that change of pace and intensity of rainfall, intensification of winds in the presence of tornadoes, sudden changes in temperature and humidity, movement of farmland and rural respective periods. Changes in movement of water masses in the oceans, resulting in some regions of the world, like Europe to become more cold. Alongside the tropical rains will increase in Ecuador.
Changes in proliferation zones of flora and fauna with unpredictable consequences for biodiversity and humans.

The problem of global warming has worried the international community. So in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 was decided by the 166 States participating in the stabilization of the emission of pollutant gases at 1990 levels by 2000. The next conference in Kyoto, Japan has put new restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions by 2015.
The burning of oil is the main factor of air pollution. Main sources of oil combustion and thus pollution are industry vehicles and heating.
What steps should be taken each citizen in order to reduce emissions of air pollutants that contribute to increasing the greenhouse effect:
Using natural as possible instead of artificial lighting during the day.
Replace common light bulbs with energy lamptirtes economy.
Clear bulbs in unused spaces.
Maintaining low interior lighting at night.
Minimizing external lighting and automation installation anavosvisimatos.
Remove from oversized lamp luminaires.
Replace light bulbs low efficiency (eg lamps) with more efficient lamps (eg fluorescent).
Install the outside lights to be powered by the sun, called, Solar garden lights.
With solar heater and cloudy days with electricity via a thermostat.
With heat pump consumes three times less power from the common heater.
The thermostat of the heater or heat pump not adjusted higher than 60 0C.
To work together thermostat offset time and space.
Purification and regulation of the boiler burner once a year before running.
Install four-valve operation of progressive electronic regulator that ensures a reduction of oil consumption by 30%.
Good boiler and pipe insulation to minimize losses.
Replacing old frames with new thermal insulation housing.
4. Refrigeration
To use eco liquids in refrigerators and air conditioners.
Be regulated internal thermostats of air conditioners so that the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor shall not exceed 10 0C.
The central cooling equipment using solar coolers. They coordinated with the sun and as long as there is sunshine more cold water to produce.
Avoid unnecessary movement and should be taken to the workplace is near the place of residence.
Travel by public transport.
Minimum possible by using the car and filled with great people.
For short distances using a simple bicycle, electric bicycles or mopeds.
Metals, glass, plastic, paper, building materials and many others, need large amounts of energy to produce. That means emissions that enhances the greenhouse effect. All these materials contain energy must be collected at source recycled and reused.
They must also limit the excessive production and consumption to reduce the volume of waste material.
The collection, storage and use of roof water in our homes is an act that saves water and energy since the water is pumped from the City and consumes energy that charged the greenhouse effect.
Using solar and wind energy:
In the house you are away from electricity networks.
In young plants interconnected with the PPC.
In caravans and small boats.
Using geothermal energy for heating hot water spas, greenhouses, etc.
Building orientation within the plot to exploit the solar radiation and wind pneontes.
Good thermal insulation of external walls.
Appropriate planning of external frames to take account of the natural lighting and insulation of the building.
Construction of underground rainwater storage tank.
Planting in the area surrounding the building deciduous trees on the south side and evergreen in the north.
All the above relate to the individual requirements of each one of us. But to save the planet Earth, should be sensitized and our rulers. For responsibilities and obligations, we will in our next article

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