Global Climate changes and our health

The warming of our planet is a serious threat to our health. Climate changes resulting in the spread of certain communicable infectious diseases.
It has also observed that other diseases, cardiac, vascular, neurological, Respiratory and professional, have increased due to increased global warming.
The increase in global temperature caused by increased release of carbon dioxide (CO2). It has been observed and measured that over the past 30 years there is a steady increase in the release of carbon dioxide, produced by using different types of fuels and other industrial activities.

This results in the creation of greenhouse gases. The increase in temperature by 0.3 to 0.6 degrees Celsius over the last 100 years, has led to warming of the atmosphere, melting glaciers and the rise of sea level.

Scientists from the University School of Medicine in New York in a recent research note that the deaths and illnesses will increase because of continued warming of the earth. This phenomenon results in changes to existing habitats through direct threats to health.

Even predicted that there will be more natural disasters because the changes in the climate. In tropical areas will increase because of global warming and as will change and vegetation.

Infectious communicable diseases will increase due to the changes observed in microorganisms and bacteria that grow and adapt to new weather conditions.

The life cycle of certain microbes change the global warming. Already there are fears of further spread of diseases transmitted by mosquitoes (malaria) and rodents. Not impossible to re-diseases that had previously fought effectively.

The loss of ozone in the atmosphere has been associated with increased susceptibility to infections. The global warming may cause an increase germs and bacteria. The combination of these two phenomena will lead to increased infections.

Human activity is causing serious environmental damage. The loss of ozone and the increase in temperature phenomena is unfortunately continuing. The biological effects of these phenomena are unpredictable and the negative impact can have devastating effects on humans.

Several international and national organizations like the UN promote research, monitor and evaluate the situation in this area. The Kyoto Protocol has set some targets (such as a reduction of 7% of the liberation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the next 10 years) to be achieved through international cooperation.

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