Countdown for plant earth

Scientists warn us that it already started the countdown for our planet. Indeed we observe that mankind has at its disposal only ten years to reverse the negative effects of global warming.

They call it the international community through the far more worrying was UN for Climate Change, to reduce greenhouse gases rather than just to stabilize because most areas of the Earth will become uninhabitable.

Over 500 experts met in Paris behind closed doors Friday, February 2nd to finalize the wording of the report, estimates of which have already been leaked to the press.

The study of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change UN (IPCC), estimates that by the end of the 21st century 1,1 έως 3.2 billion suffer from lack of water and estimated that the average global temperature will rise by 1 1 to 6.4 degrees Celsius by 2100 compared with 1990 levels. The most likely course is to happen a rise of 1.8 to 4 degrees Celsius depending on the measures taken.
Also ensure that the observed climate change is man with a probability 90% and its effects will last well for centuries. In the previous report in 2001, the IPCC raised up from 1.4 and 5.8 degrees Celsius.

Because of the melting of ice in ocean levels will rise by the end of the century at 18 to 59 inches, compared with 1990, although the increase could be greater if the cover and melt the ice in Antarctica and Greenland. In 2001, the IPCC provides increased by 9 cm and 88 cm only. The second half of the 21st century, the floating ice cover will disappear in summer by the Arctic.

Among other states that within the next 70 years, 200 with 600 million people worldwide will face hunger and flooding in coastal areas will hit 7 million households. Also emphasized clearly that in future many parts of the world may not be life due to climate change.

Global warming will lead to the starvation of millions of people in 2080 while severe water shortages will affect China, Australia and parts of Europe and the USA. The above disaster will create waves of immigrants from regions of Ecuador and To top it all of Amazon forests will be destroyed.

Especially in Australia, facing its worst drought in history, devoted a whole chapter, which states that the large coral reef can disappear.

And some Pacific islands will be affected by rising waters and tropical storms will occur more and more frequently, with a probability of 66%.

Tourist boat sailing near a glacier in Iceland.

For Europe, the report notes that the Alpine glaciers will melt, and the summers are unbearably hot, especially in southern countries. The Greece, Spain and Italy will be hit first by the effects of global warming, while Britain and other northern European countries will find themselves faced with droughts and wet winters.

The largest but scientists fear that the increase in average temperature and greenhouse gases is likely to destroy Earth's ecosystem. Because as the levels of carbon dioxide increased and soil will be drier, the microbes begin to break out the organic matter, so forests can become producers of greenhouse gases.

In creating the exhibition was attended by over 3700 scientists from 130 countries. who studied for three years what we know so far on climate change.

Extraordinary Session of Heads of State in the greenhouse

The Secretary UN Ban Ki-moon, called to convene a special session on climate from the UN environment agency (UNEP) and the Secretariat of the UN climate, and the scientific data highlight the urgent need for political decisions. As the scientists say the Kyoto Protocol failed for several reasons, to reduce emissions of pollutants, but its replacement with a new mechanism encounters maze of conflicting interests.

Experts say that should be meeting the leaders of 20 countries that emit the most pollutants in September, it is clear that we need to move now.

But if and when the session convened, the battle for the selection of appropriate measures should raging. Fears about the economic effects of the required measures, strong defense industries such as oil and automobiles, frustrations between developed and developing countries in burden sharing, are among the factors that impede progress.

All these must be added to the hostility towards science of climate change attitude of the U.S. government, which refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and until recently expressed doubts as to whether there is climate change or not. The attitude of the White House to accept this mounting criticism from Congress, now controlled by the Democratic Party.
Congress survey shows that two out of five scientists working on global warming to public services received U.S. assistance in their work relegated to the data on the phenomenon. Moreover, the Congressional committee dealing with climate change condemns the Government for misleading the public.

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