Advice how to save the nature Enviroment

Environmental Protection - Follow these Tips.
I searched the Internet to find some useful tips on how to protect our environment. Simple tips that we all have them heard, but most, if not best of all, ignore most of the time! Those who are not bored to read, take a look even titles.

The world population today is approximately 6 billion people. According to UN estimates, by 2050 will reach about 9 billion.
Our needs in food and other commodities will continue, therefore, increasingly rising. Conversely, according to some estimates, the ability of our planet to provide the necessary natural resources to meet those needs, increasingly limited.
There are a number of new environmental, economic and social data, such as poor quality agricultural land, the irrational management of water resources, climate change, pollution by chemicals, the economic gap between developed and developing world, human intervention the genetic material of living organisms, excess consumption of material goods and energy effects which make the predictions for the future difficult and uncertain.
The efforts of governments and international organizations to address these issues can not be successful unless supported by their own citizens.
should therefore be aware of all of us, especially to us who live in more developed countries, that we have an obligation to change our habits and behavior, to help each side of the joint efforts so that future generations get to know one even more beautiful and friendly world.

At Home
The action on the environment begins at home. Making some small changes to daily habits, not only helping the environment but we do and our economy in expenditure.

ELECTRICITY: NO to wastage
Energy consumption in Europe has almost doubled in the last 20 years. Excessive consumption causes air pollution, acid rain, affecting the climate. Read how much you can do to help save energy.
o Make sure not to leave lit when you do not need.
o A good solution is saving light bulbs. They last 10 times longer and consume 75% less electricity than ordinary bulbs.
Home Appliances
o Make sure not to forget lit. Also, it is switching off the TV, VCR, stereo, etc. from the device and not by remote control.
o Before you buy a household appliance, always ask how much energy consumption, especially energy-intensive appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners. Preferred those with the lowest consumption.
o In an average household, the refrigerator uses more than 1 / 4 of power. Turn your refrigerator (2 to 5 degrees in the cooling from -15 to -18 in the freezer).
o Make sure not to often you open the door
o It is not the place it near a window or radiator.
o When you put laundry, took care to be filled.
o preferred to wash a medium flame.
o If your dishwasher has energy saving program, preferably in. This will save electricity and water.
o The water heater uses approximately 20% of the electricity we consume in our house. So, do not forget on.
o Make sure that your heater is not set very high temperatures. The 60 points is a good temperature.
o We live in the country of the sun. So if you renovating your house or make new, preferred a solar water heater.
Heating - Air Conditioning
o Lowering the radiator thermostat by 1 degree you up to 10% economy in behalf of heating.
o A large amount of energy wasted due to poor insulation. Therefore, well-insulated doors, windows and cracks. Also made sure to hang the butterfly of the fireplace when not in use.
o cleaning or changed the air conditioner filter once a month.

Water is not unlimited
We must use it wisely. Let us not forget that most cities are not close to sufficient water resources. Thus, to meet the growing needs of our water from increasingly long distances, affecting ecosystems hundreds of miles away.
o A tap running, spending far more water than you think: 10-15 liters per minute. If you close the tap when brushing your teeth or when shaving, saves 10 liters of water at a time. And much more to wash dishes.
o Make sure to correct the leaks. A dripping tap can squanders up to 90 liters of water a day.
One preferred to take a shower rather than a full bathroom with tub. To fill the bath water as you need both for 3 showers. Of course, the heater consumes more power.
o The water in the cistern comes from the same network as the water we drink. So if you run the flush, corrected it. Wasting precious drinking water.
o There is a very simple way to save thousands of gallons of water a year. Fill a small plastic bottle of water (after pulling the label) and put it into the cistern. This reduces the capacity.
o If you renovating the bathroom or make a new, preferred dual flush, you will have up to 15% saving in overall water consumption.

Less waste
The garbage that "generates" each of us in life, is about 600 times more than its weight. It is therefore important to avoid creating waste when we can.
Not on unnecessary packaging
The 1 / 3 of the trash of our house is the packaging. We tried to avoid products with unnecessary packaging. (More information can be found under "Shopping").
He asked the municipality or community for recycling programs available in your area. Kept separate from recycled materials like paper, glass, aluminum and provides for the recycling, if there is adequate infrastructure.
Waste disposers
The use of food waste disposers can certainly reduce the volume of household waste, but also to complicate the operation of sewage treatment plant, not designed to meet the load generated.

Some of the products we use in our homes contain chemicals that can harm the environment or our health if we are not careful enough. Such "dangerous" products may be of paints, varnishes, pesticides, air fresheners, toilet cleaning blocks, slag may be authorized for the closet, cleaning and polishing of all kinds. As with all chemicals, should take some precautions for use:
o guarding products well-sealed in their original containers in a cool, dry place, away from children.
o Before using any cleaning agent, read the precautions and instructions.
o Do not mix cleaners never containing bleach with those containing ammonia, because toxic gas is generated.
o Never throw in the sink, sewer or on land. Danger of seriously polluted water.
o Do not buy more product than necessary. If you do not use it, give the rest to someone who needs it.
o The home should always be ventilated enough and particularly during cleaning.

How many of these chemicals is really needed at home?
Here you will find some tips on cleaning the house, which is safe and effective:
o The cleaning windows with vinegar and water.
o The same mixture in a brush cleans carpets.
o The polished silver with toothpaste or soda.
o In copper throw salt and vinegar and then just polished them with a clean cloth.
o The natural lavender bags in the closet to protect their clothes from moth.
o The salts in the bath and tile cleaners leave soda and warm water.
o Where necessary, disinfection, you can use vinegar.
o The air freshener does not eliminate the source of the smell. For pure atmosphere will be met basic standards of cleanliness, hygiene and ventilation.
o preferred paints and varnishes based on water (water) rather than organic solvents.

Garden and Balcony
Plants beautify our lives and benefit the environment. More green in our house, it means cleaner air in our city. It is a very enjoyable pastime for young and old.

o Avoid over-watering your plants, preferring the slow water, to prevent wasted water. If you can, install automatic watering.
o In the warm months watered your garden early morning or evening. So the water will evaporate from the heat.
o Select plants resistant to drought, such as almond, Koutsoupias, olive, mulberry, fig, laurel, myrtle, oleander, tefkrio, lavender and flower pots: geraniums and succulent plants.

In our garden does not need to follow the letter of the methods of large-scale agriculture. It is best to avoid synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Furthermore, most insects in the garden are harmless and in fact it is the chain of nature.
o Often an infestation of aphids or caterpillars can be treated easily: Remove the "enemies" by hand, without resorting to pesticides.
o If no serious damage or disease, think about whether your plants are not adapted to conditions in your region or made vulnerable because it was used too much fertilizer or water.
o preferred organic fertilizers, because they are food for soil organisms.

... not to burn the green. If you need to burn dry grass and twigs, choose an open area and a non-windy day, after you get the required permit from the authorities.

In the Neighborhood
Together we can make our neighborhood more beautiful and friendly. Just show a little care in a few simple things.

o Show respect and sensitivity for the green in public areas and parks. If you see a plant that needs care constituencies in the municipality.
o When you make your dog walk, think of their neighbors and children playing: Take with you a ftyaraki to collect the droppings.

o No excuses are not severe enough to throw our garbage on the street. If the bins are not many public places, constituencies in the municipality or the Community.
o If the rubbish is not regularly and the containers are full, do not aggravate the atmosphere of the neighborhood. Save your garbage on the balcony.

When washing the car with the tires, spend up to 300 liters of water. If the wash bucket and a sponge, you need only 30 liters.

o When listening to music or watching TV, the next you think.
o We need to horn? Or do the ... habit? Use your horn only when really necessary.
o Make sure the alarm of the car or home is properly configured so as not to strike at the slightest.

On Movements
It is important to be cautious in our movements, making good use of the car, but the alternative means of transport. So help the environment as it contributes to reducing pollution, but ... ourselves as we do to conserve fuel and prolong the life of the car.

Greening DRIVING
o Make sure regular maintenance of the car or your machine. When configured correctly, less polluting the atmosphere and burn less gasoline.
o Avoid using the car for very short distances. So to warm up the machinery, fuel consumption is up to twice the normal. At the same time not working, and the catalyst and hence emissions in the atmosphere is much larger than normal.
o Do not let the camera ready when waiting for someone. Detrimental to the environment and wasted fuel. Furthermore prevent the proper functioning of the catalyst. Also, if safe, turn off engine at traffic jams. We need less gasoline to the NIA put forward after a while only to let the look.
o Make sure your tires are inflated, otherwise it increases fuel consumption.
o The nervous driving with sudden acceleration and braking wastes fuel and increases air pollution.
o Never throw the car oils into drains or soil. Give them to a workshop to be realized.
o If you consider buying a car, someone who preferred the manufacturer has provided, that the parties to be recycled.

Most mileage car, made the journey to and from our work. And usually we are not alone. It is a shame; Collective use of the automobile is a practical solution, especially in urban areas. Consultation with neighbors and colleagues who live in your way to use your cars alternately. This will help to reduce pollution and traffic jam, you will have fuel economy and company!

o If you can, preferred means of public transportation. So do to fuel economy and forget the headache of parking.
o Make the short distance on foot. It is more ... environmentally friendly and very good exercise.
o The bike is also very good gym and an ideal ecological solution for short distances in your area.

At Work
At work think ... like at home! Just like in our house, so we can work in saving energy, water, household waste, in our markets. In addition, there are still some things to watch.

The average office worker throws away about 80 kilograms of paper per year. Much of this paper is high quality: the well-known to all our printers and paper for photocopying. Produced from precious natural resources such as forests and forest plantations, while the use of bleaching chemicals that harm the environment. Therefore:
o Use high quality paper with economy and only for the uses intended. For other uses a lower quality paper.
o Limit the waste as you can. When you make photocopies or take notes, accustomed to using both sides of the paper.
o Recycle paper. He asked the municipality or community recycling programs for the region.

o A good idea is to get to work your own mug for coffee, instead of using disposable cups.
o suggested the operator to replace plastic cups with paper.
o Some packages of printer cartridges, copier toner and
fax machines are collected and reused by the companies which produce them. Learn from the supplier which products returned after use. Organized with your colleagues a collection system for the entire office or company.

Discuss which of the advice you can apply. Perhaps you think and other ways to help the environment. Share your ideas. Together we can do better.

On Shopping
When you go shopping, remember: Everything that has influenced the buying environment. We took care to always do your best choice.

o preferred products with less packaging. Generate less waste.
o If you can, avoid plastic packaging. Preferred packaging recycled more easily, such as paper, cardboard, glass or aluminum (eg soft drinks, beer, sauces, condiments).
o preferred packaging from recycled materials such as recycled cardboard. Search the packaging for the brand of recycling.
o Buy products "bulk". It is more economical and have minimal packaging.

Most types of plastic, never degrade completely. This means that not incorporated into the environment or, at best, takes too much time to do this. In other words, the plastic trash polluting our earth for centuries

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